Saturday, 23 June 2012


It's always nice when something really cool attracts enough really cool people to make a little community. So far, the Makie forum has been a bouncing-ground for enthusiasts of all backgrounds, from slightly geeky people with a magpie complex to serious and dedicated doll collectors who've been purchasing tiny shoes since nearly before I was born.

One of the most knowledgeable people on all things doll is the splendid Poklfil. Millie, her Makie, has been keeping us all amused with her antics and access to a seemingly endless wardrobe...

Punk Millie is the coolest thing ever.

Fil generously offered to send me some Mr Muscle Magic Eraser to help remove a few blue bits from Plink, but we weren't expecting the epic box of wonders that arrived!

I love parcels! I really, really love parcels! Squeee!

Yup, that's a whole heap of stuff, including some summery patterned fabric, an excitingly fluffy wig (which we've not tried on yet!) and a handmade voodoo doll necklace. Even more exciting was a cast-off knitted jumper, which is the perfect size for Plink to wear as an achingly fashionable tunic dress, which accessorises perfectly with a snazzy blue poodle brooch  that was also in the box!

I'm quite jealous and may have to make a human-sized version. 

Thanks so much Fil... I'm having a lot of fun constructing a return package!

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