Hullo! |
Well, the human is completely zoned out on anti-histamines*, so I stole her 70-300mm lens and went outside to track some hedgehogs!
Here's one:
Spiky |
Hrum. Hedgehogs are tricksy, and it would appear that most of my photos are blurry. I know! I'll do what the human does with mediocre photos and turn them black and white!
Blurry? |
Bang and the blur is gone!
Schnurfly! |
Oooh, classy.
Spiny! |
Hey! This next one is in focus! We'll leave it in colour!
Spectacular! |
If you're a fan of hedgehogs, check out the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, who do cracking work in the areas of hedgehog welfare and research. They also sell fantastically cool hedgehog-themed merchandise. Woo, hedgehogs!"
I have, at last count, 18 separate mosquito bites on my body, ranging from places ordinary (stomach, calf) to completely unmentionable (unmentionable) to utterly weird (back of ankle, right thumb). Chlorphenamine and I do not get on well, I'm currently having difficulty both focussing my eyes and not falling asleep. Ahahahahahahaaaaaaaa... this Blog post is brought to you by modern pharmaceuticals and the letters 'z, o, n, k, e and d". It's quite frankly a miracle I got to the end of it.
Plink's done a lovely job. We have a few hedgehogs in our yard (I created a HUGE woodpile for them) and they like to scamper out and eat the monkey nut crumbs left by the squirrels. nutsfor.me.uk :)