Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Wow, wasn't it a gloriously sunny weekend? (Alright, so slightly tempered by the pouring rain yesterday, but I was back in work so I don't care hahaha). 

I picked up my camera to take a few shots of Pirate the Cat looking ridiculous this morning and found there were some photos on it... 

Looks like Plink and Melchie were enjoying the sunshine too. 

Having a nice bask, Plink? 

Ooh, some fizzy bubbles? Alrighty then... 
Er... what?! Hey! You're... oh crikey... 

Just hope the neighbours weren't watching.

Sunday, 26 May 2013


Dudes, I'll interrupt your regularly scheduled Makie Mischief to announce that I've been invited to the best wedding ever! 

One of my oldest friends is getting married in September which is in itself epically cool. But the coolest thing yet is that she's having a sort of 'pick your own historical costume including LARP and Steampunk and oh, there are PENALTIES for not dressing up' theme for the wedding which means, oh yes, I GET TO DRESS UP. 

I'm plotting already. 
I could rock the Steampunk look? 
Perhaps a bit Victorian?

Or... well. There's not contest really, is there? There's a certain lady who's been completely rocking the cosplay scene this last couple of years, and I reckon she's my greatest fashion inspiration at the moment... 


I know. I KNOW. Short, rather plump things like me shouldn't even bother trying to out lion the lioness, but I've got a corset, a few months to think about it and some plans involving hedgehogs... oh, and dressing the long-suffering boyfriend up as Littlefinger. Har. 

This space, you should watch it. 

Friday, 24 May 2013


I love tiny things.

I love Re-ment in particular.

Yes, those are tiny pins, tiny thread reels, tiny thread snippers, three different coloured tiny tailor's chalks, a tiny tape measure and tiny scissors which open and close!

It's no surprise, therefore, that I was delighted to find John Lewis' range of tiny (well, small-ish) things for people who like sewing. They also had boxes of pins (all kinds, including safety), tape measures, thimbles and so forth.

The stork scissors are bloody lovely and very sharp, right to the tips.

Mmm, retro packaging. I'm amazed I only purchased three!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Er... whoops...


You know how people have these dolls that they really, really want, and they call them 'grail girls'.


Mine just happened to be the glorious Tailor Gibson. From the days of releases with a whole bucket of stock, these girls don't come up very often in one piece unless they're way into the 'naughty' bracket of my price range.

But I must have been very, very good recently. Because this little beauty just happened to be made available at the right time and the right price!

She came with every little last bit of stock! Even the thread reels!
(By 'right', I mean 'only marginally into my naughty price range.)

Say 'hello to Madame Sylvie, everyone! ...actually, better make that 'bonjour'. I don't think she speaks much English.

If you want to see how much Takara standards have dropped, just take a look at her bloomers.
... Oh dear. I'm getting a LOOK. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Hooray for Holidays!

Aaah, as much as I like being at home, it's nice to get away for a bit... even if it did mean leaving Plink and Melchett unsupervised for the weekend.

The Bloke's birthday was a good excuse to book a couple of nights in a relatively swanky hotel on the coast in Dorset, and given it was a special occasion I was more than happy to splash out a bit extra on a room with a sea view.
Eype and West Bay

We were very lucky with the weather and managed to get sunburn on the Saturday!
Eype and West Bay

I know there's nothing more boring on this planet than looking at someone else's holiday photos...
Eype and West Bay

...but we really did have a lovely time...
Eype and West Bay

...and I'm sure you're all jealous...
Eype and West Bay

Eype and West Bay

...do you think Melchie's been here before?!
Eype and West Bay

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


... there were some good entries. There were some great entries!
(Inevitably, there were a couple of TERRIBLE entries, but the less said the better).

But the one we liked best was...

Yup! Got to go with a classic! 

Congratulations to Short 'n' Cuddly Am; send me your postal address and I shall organise you some STUFF and possibly THINGS. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Normal service...

...will resume on Monday! The boy and I are a bit burnt out, so we're disconnecting ourselves for a weekend where the seagulls roam and the waves splash and someone else does the cooking and making of beds!

Here's a little shot of a fully loaded seagull rest stop.

(Don't forget you can enter the caption contest until Monday. See you then!)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Hey hey all!

Sorry it's been a bit empty around here the last few days. I'm having one of those weeks at work where all you want to do when you get home is fall in a heap and watch something mindless on the telly!

Anyway. I though we might like to close the Swampy chapter... erm... sorry, "Number 6" with a few shots of how she finally panned out...

Madame Marietta "Swampy" Flintlocke
This is her sultry look...

Madame Marietta "Swampy" Flintlocke
Shiny beeeeeds

Madame Marietta "Swampy" Flintlocke
Pretty frillies!

Madame Marietta "Swampy" Flintlocke
The Awesome Top Hat of Awesome
And guess what! If you've fallen head-over-heels in love with the Swampmistress, today is indeed your lucky day! We've been through a lot together, her and I, and it's time for her to move on. If you're interested in adopting Swampy, drop me a mail (duckiemonsterSPLATgmail.com) and I'll let you know what sort of fee/trade I'm looking for. 

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Dolly Sunday

Sunday? Check. 

Dolls? Check. 

Cute new foxy little number from the aptly-named Dolly Sunday Etsy shop? Check! 
(She's updated today, go and have a look!) 

Friday, 10 May 2013


HOORAY and HOORAH, we're having another competition!

This time it's all about the speech bubble!

So, what message is Melchie giving to the world? 
(And what is Batson the Beastlie thinking? ... no. Wait. Scrap that. He's not a Beastlie of many Brains.)

Drop a comment with your entry by 15:00 on Monday the 20th of May. I'll choose my favourite and announce a winner that evening who will be the (lucky?) recipient of one of my famous parcels containing STUFF and THINGS. 

If you're new around here, let me know if you're a Makie owner or a Blythe owner, so said stuff can be tailored to your doll's preferences. 

Happy thinking, everyone!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Updating Plum

Given that I've actually got some idea what I'm doing with customising now, I thought it only fair that Plum gets another shot at a face-up instead of the poorly stuffed on finish she was currently enjoying.

Amazing that when you think you can do something, you can't really do it at all.

Not the best photos in the world.
Plum Spam
Mmmm silvery.
But you get the idea.
Pink glitter, naturally.
Only because I didn't have any blue to hand, mind you. 

Plum Spam
And suddenly the 'orrible greenygold chips look just right. 
Better photos when I've got a bit of daylight to play with. 

Alright, yes she's over gaze-corrected. I've got a new t-bar waiting to go in but I can't remember which box I put it in so's I wouldn't lose it. Besides, I don't think it shows too much in these photos and by the time I'd remembered that I'd got a new t-bar for her somewhere, I had all of the screws back in her head again. Blah!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Fabulous Pwizes!

I entered my little Easter story into a MakieLab competition a while back, and we were awarded a prize which arrived today!

Apparently, naughty words will not be allowed.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Post Nights

It's been a very long and not entirely rewarding week on call.
Today has involved a bit of a nap, a bath, some wine and plugging the gap between dinner and Game of Thrones with giving Plum a new face-up.

Not entirely happy with the lips, pleased with the eyes... I reckon she's got a few more transformations in her yet!

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Batson the Beastlie

Every so often, I wander into the study and find something which has definitely escaped from the darker recesses of the lab.

This time, however, the resultant little dude is nothing to do with mischevious Makies.

Batson is a Beastlie, one of many sculpy-based little monsters that are made by a talented monster-creator in the US. He was the result of a very lucky click; these guys sell out in a couple of minutes, no problem.

I'm very glad to have him. You can try and snag your own Beastlie here.