Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Updating Plum

Given that I've actually got some idea what I'm doing with customising now, I thought it only fair that Plum gets another shot at a face-up instead of the poorly stuffed on finish she was currently enjoying.

Amazing that when you think you can do something, you can't really do it at all.

Not the best photos in the world.
Plum Spam
Mmmm silvery.
But you get the idea.
Pink glitter, naturally.
Only because I didn't have any blue to hand, mind you. 

Plum Spam
And suddenly the 'orrible greenygold chips look just right. 
Better photos when I've got a bit of daylight to play with. 

Alright, yes she's over gaze-corrected. I've got a new t-bar waiting to go in but I can't remember which box I put it in so's I wouldn't lose it. Besides, I don't think it shows too much in these photos and by the time I'd remembered that I'd got a new t-bar for her somewhere, I had all of the screws back in her head again. Blah!

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