Monday, 17 June 2013

Mini's got talent!

Ladies and Jellyspoons, the first entry is in! Heartsandhugs98089's girl Mini has a particularly interesting talent to share with us...


Mini gets the fearsome foe in a cunning headlock hold! 
Here comes the count... one... two... thr...

OH NOES, it's a paw to the face! This bout is still wide open!
Thanks for sharing, Mini! Let us know who wins the match!

Don't forget, you've got until June the 30th to showcase your doll's talents. Email your photos today!


  1. Patient dog. Tried many's a time to balance my Makie on our cats, but they never stay still long enough, and are rather fond of attacking her hair!

    1. Mmm. Cats and dolls Do Not Mix. Mine are all up on shelves where the cats know they are not to go.

  2. Mini is mine :)yes Buster is a very patient dog. I have two dogs and I tried to make Mini wrestle with my other dog, Tallulah but she is only a puppy and se tried to eat Mini. Lol :)

  3. Eeheee! This is brilliant! I think that dog is tewoofic!! :) Fancy being wrestled by a Makie... perish the thought! Poor thing ^^

    1. OMG thank you so much Sioux!!! That means a lot coming from you. I watch your YouTube videos and I read your forum post on You are so amazing! Duckie you really are too :) How do you guys do the things you do? :)
