Saturday, 13 July 2013

Sewing for Humans: Recurve Bow Case

Hey hey all! 

Isn't it hot? The Makies have shut themselves in the bathroom with the giant squid and a bottle of prosecco. Sounds like they're having one heck of a pool party. 

I've been working on a soft case for my recurve bow. It's got nice squishy quilt wadding for snuggliness, is lined with pink polka dot fleecy fabric and has the most amazing Hello Kitty waterproof outer. 

Best thing is, once the bow is out and assembled, I can use it as a cushion! 


  1. THAT fabric!!! <3

    1. It are fab! Croft Mill still have a bit in stock. It's rubberised rip stop nylon... You could make a rain hat :D
