Friday, 26 April 2013


Finally, the moment you've all sort of been waiting for honest, really, yes!
Happily, Tiny Bear was around to help me draw the winners. Given we only had two or three people to pick from, we decided to forgo the Random Number Generator and just bung some bits of paper in a hat.

Tiny Bear loves the attention, as you can tell!
So without further ado, let's find out who got lucky!

Okay. So given there was only one person interested in day 2 and 3, the book and bracelet set go to...

Yay, Scarlette!

Day 4 was the tasty-looking modelling chocolate, which goes to...
Don't forget to use the anti-bac handwipe!
And finally, the hard-fought-over Noo the Coo... I was tempted to put my own name in the hat, but you'll be pleased to hear that the lucky winner is...
Maaaarti! He's coming for you, is noo the coo!
Congratulations to all our winners, and thanks to everyone who commented.

If you can send your postal addresses to (where SPLAT = @), I'll get your bits and bobs off to you soon as I can... which unless the address is in my inbox by 11am Saturday morning is looking like Wednesday.

If you've been despairing of your regular doll-like content, have no fear! Tomorrow brings a sneaky peaky of what Number 6 is looking like these days... and we may even have an update on Number 8 soon!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I will have to send you my address ASAP! Congrats to the new owner of Noo!
