It's been at least 20 hours of looping plugs and stitching them into the scalp. At least. I've shoved a darning needle through my finger more than once, thought I was going to run out of hair and seriously doubted my sanity.
But then I put my brave pants on and did her makeup...
Glittery glittery glittery! |
...and now I think I realise that Number 8 isn't going to be heading off anywhere too fast, because she's completely gorgeous.
Ooooh. |
Can't quite believe what I've created. Here's a reminder of how she looked before.
Cute, but not smouldering... |
And here's the after again.
Now all she needs is a name... and to stop making my other customs look bad. Bah!
I like Penelope - All Pretty in Pink :-D x
ReplyDeleteAlas, I have a cousin called Penelope... Can't make it work, somehow. I'll keep thinking!
ReplyDeleteEsmerelda perhaps??? (as in Magrats daughter - of course you don't have to name her in full - Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre lol)
ReplyDeleteEsme! Perfect. Thanks Fil!
ReplyDelete(Although you're quite right. We'll drop the 'Margaret Note Spelling'!)