Wednesday, 5 June 2013



Ack and crikey and believe it or not, it's been a year today since I started with all this nonsense, and by-gosh and by-golly, I'm still at it now one whole orbit of the sun later and with not just the originally intended one little Makie, but having had 12 dolls and one beastlie pass through my hands and into my life.

I'm chuffed to bits that I seem to have stuck with blogging for once, and I'm delighted that there seem to be a few of you out there reading the junk I stick up here on a reasonably irregular basis. I had planned a special post today, with cakes and candles and special paper hats, but work went *ping* in the way that working in the medical profession often does, and I completely forgot all about it. Am rubbish.

So instead of bells and whistles, I thought I'd mention some of my favourite bits from the last year and highlight a few of Makie Couture's... um... achievements...

I've had loads of fun dreaming up content for you all to enjoy...

From messenger bags... BEAR HATS.... WOLF SUITS... 

We've had fun in the sun...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane... NO, it's SUPERPLINK!

In more sun... 

And even in the snow!

We've had competitions...
You Anorak

....and worn some exceptionally silly costumes...
Steamplink and Madame Von Melchie

Halloween 2012

We've even done SCIENCE...
Experimenting with Makiebits

...occasionally, we've had parties with other Makies!

...and above all, have very much enjoyed ourselves!
Fun at Fil's
...most of the time... 
But we really couldn't do it without you, our lovely readers, who have clicked on this little website over 27,000 times as of today! (Although I do take this opportunity to apologise to the 700 or so of you who thought you'd get some sort of sensible post on the Sewaholic Cambie dress... whoops...)

So please keep reading, keep dropping the comments and keep letting me know that you're out there, because above all else we've had a brilliant time meeting some of you fellow dolly nutters and your mad families of plastic lovelies. I have to send one of the biggest, snuggliest virtual hugs to all of you.

Can't wait to see what we all get up to during the next year!



  1. Hooray! Happy Blogday Duckie! You have one doll for every month. So I expect 24 by your next anniversary! ><

  2. Congratulations, I love reading about your plastic friends!

  3. Yay! Have plink and Melchie really been tormenting for this long already?!

  4. Congratulations. I've only just started reading but it looks like you had a brilliant first year. I will stay tuned from now on to make sure that I don't miss out on future fun :)

  5. Congratulations Duckie!!! Keep it up as I enjoying reading on a regular basis!!!
